Naritasan Shinshoji Temple

  • 成田山Naritasan Shinshoji Temple



Naritasan Shinshoji Temple has a history of more than 1,080 years and is one of the nation's leading temples, visited by more than 10 million people a year. In addition to numerous temples, the vast grounds include a park rich in nature, and there are plenty of power spots that are said to bring good luck. We also recommend various experiential programs and a tour of the shrine stamps. Heal your body and mind with a pilgrimage to Narita, which has attracted people of faith since the Edo period.




上旬 写経大会
上旬 弁財天祭礼
15日 弘法大師・興教大師 御誕生慶祝法会


上旬 成田山祇園会・祇園祭
12日 開山忌大法会
中旬 暁天講座


13日~15日 盂蘭盆会(うらぼんえ)
16日 施餓鬼大法会(せがきだいほうえ)
新仏やご先祖様の精霊をわが家に迎え、家族と亡き人がともに過ごす期間です。 日本仏教の伝統行事であるお盆法要を行なっています。
23・24日 みたま祭り盆踊り大会



Early June Sutra copying competition
A sutra copying competition will be held to celebrate the birth of the two ancestors, Kobo Daishi and Kougyo Daishi. The competition involves copying the “Heart Sutra”, the calligraphy of which is enshrined at the Great Peace Pagoda. Prayers will also be offered for the fulfilment of one's heart's desires.
Early June Benzaiten Festival
Benzaitenson is unveiled once a year.
Benzaiten-do is enshrined with the deity Benzaiten, who governs music, benzai, and wealth. During the Benzaiten Festival, a special ceremony will be held in front of Benzaiten Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
15th June Kobo Daishi/Kougyo Daishi Birth Celebration Puja
A memorial service will be held to thank Kobo Daishi and Kougyo Daishi. June is the birth month of Kobo Daishi, who founded the Shingon sect, and Kougyo Daishi, who revived Daishi's teachings. A memorial service will be held to express our sincere gratitude to both ancestors.


Early July Naritasan Gion Association/Gion Festival
The festival is an early summer tradition that has been around for 300 years.
It is only during the Naritasan Gion-kai period that the Okunoin Temple, where Dainichi Nyorai is enshrined, is open for prayers for a rich harvest. Dashi floats and food stalls parade with a mikoshi carrying Dainichi Nyorai as its object. In addition, a special blessing will be performed at Komyo-do using the Heavenly Treasure Sword.
12th July Grand memorial service for the founder of the mountain
Mid-July Gyoten Lecture
Listen to the Gyoten lecture after a solemn morning goma
Early in the morning in summer, we invite lecturers who are active in various fields to give lectures.


13th to 15th Urabon-e
“Urabon-e” is the official name for "Obon". It refers to the event and period for welcoming the spirits of ancestors into one's home and holding a memorial service for them. It is held around July 15 of the lunar calendar every year. Uranbon-kai is also sometimes called "Urabon" or "Bonku".
16th Segaki Daihoe
This is a period when families and the deceased spend time together, welcoming new Buddhas and the spirits of their ancestors into their homes. We also hold the Obon memorial service, which is a traditional event of Japanese Buddhism.
23rd and 24th Mitama Festival Bon Odori Festival

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