Naritasan Shinshoji Temple
Naritasan Shinshoji Temple has a history of more than 1,080 years and is one of the nation's leading temples, visited by more than 10 million people a year. In addition to numerous temples, the vast grounds include a park rich in nature, and there are plenty of power spots that are said to bring good luck. We also recommend various experiential programs and a tour of the shrine stamps. Heal your body and mind with a pilgrimage to Narita, which has attracted people of faith since the Edo period.
立春前日 | 節分会 関取や俳優が豆をまきます 成田山の節分会では、国土安穏・万民豊楽・五穀豊穣・転禍為福・東日本大震災復興を祈願して、大相撲の関取やNHK大河ドラマのキャストが豆をまきます。 |
立春前日から一週間 | 星供祈祷会(ほしくきとうえ) 人びとの吉凶を司るという九つの星々をおまつりする 災厄を除いて一年の幸福を祈る伝統の儀式です。毎年節分の日から一週間奉修し、除災招福と開運成就を祈念した「星供御守札」を光明堂で授与しています。 |
2月中旬〜 3月中旬 |
梅まつり 咲き誇る紅梅と白梅 成田山公園では、約460本の紅梅と白梅の花を楽しむことができます。期間中に演奏会や氷の彫刻展などが行われます。 |
中旬 | 出世稲荷祭礼御逮夜 出世稲荷祭礼 火難消除・開運招福・商売繁昌をお祈りする 毎年2月、「二の午」の日に大法会を奉修し、その前日に御逮夜法楽(おたいやほうらく)を行っています。お囃子と御神楽の奉納に併せて、甘酒の進上(無料接待)も行われます。 |
2月中旬〜 3月中旬 |
梅まつり 咲き誇る紅梅と白梅 成田山公園では、約460本の紅梅と白梅の花を楽しむことができます。期間中に演奏会や氷の彫刻展などが行われます。 |
5~7日 | 十箇座十万遍修行 十座の御護摩祈祷でお不動さまの御真言を十万遍お唱えする行事です 護摩壇の正面に約700体の資堂札という特別な御護摩札を奉安し、大木魚を叩いて御真言を唱和しながら平安を祈念します。 |
春分の日 | 彼岸会 |
The Day Before the Beginning of Spring | Setsubun Festival
Sumo wrestlers and actors throw beans at Naritasan Shinshoji Temple's Setsubun Festival, sumo wrestlers and the cast of NHK's Taiga drama series throw beans, praying for the peace of the nation and the prosperity of all people, ushering in an abundant harvest, the turning of misfortune into fortune, and the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. |
Week Before the Beginning of Spring | Hoshikuki To (Star Offering Prayer)
Honoring the nine stars that are said to govern the fortunes of people, this is a traditional ceremony to pray for happiness throughout the year by warding off disasters. It is performed every year for a week from Setsubun, and "Hoshikugo Goshuzufuda" amulets, (said to protect against disasters and bring good fortune), are offered at Komyo-do Hall. |
Mid-Month | Descent of the Deity on the Eve of the Shusse Inari Festival
At the Shusse Inari Festival prayers are offered for the prevention of fire, and to bring good fortune and prosperity in business. Every year in February, on the day of the "Second Horse", a grand Buddhist ceremony is held, and on the eve of the celebration, a night vigil is held. The festival also plays host to traditional Japanese music and sacred music, to be enjoyed with sweet sake that is served free-of-charge. |
The Mid-February to Mid-March | Plum Festival
Red and white plum blossoms are in full bloom from mid-February to mid-March. At Naritasan Park, you can enjoy about 460 red and white plum blossoms. During the festival, concerts and ice sculpture exhibitions are held. |
5th to 7th | Jukaza Jumanben Shugyo
This is an event where the mantra of Fudo Myo-o is chanted 100,000 times in ten goma prayers. Approximately 700 special goma charms called Shido-fuda are enshrined in front of the goma altar, and people pray for peace while striking a large wooden fish and chanting the mantra. |